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FRT007 - Mesa Mark Series - Fractal FM3 / FM9 ( 32 scenes )
FRT007 - Mesa Mark Series - Fractal FM3 / FM9 ( 32 scenes )
34% €10,00

FRT007 - Mesa Mark Series - Fractal FM3 / FM9 ( 32 scenes )

Product SKU: FRT007-fm
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Mesa Mark Series - Fractal FM3 / FM9 ( 32 scenes ) - Description

The Mark Series Library is the first library entirely created on the iconic Mesa Boogie Mark amplifiers. Contains 32 scenes divided into 4 presets.

1 Mark IIc+
2 Mark IV
3 Mark V
4 Mark Series Sounds

The scenes are customized in order to reconstruct the ideal sound of these iconic amplifiers and all their channels, from the cleanest sounds to the most saturated and distorted sounds, each scene is built with particular attention to the actual controls present on the front and rear panel of the amplifiers; es Bright and Fat switches, Presence Shift, Eq mode etc.
Each preset contains a complete effect chain with Compressor, Drive, Chorus, Delay, Reverb and factory cabs. Each preset contains a virtual capo Pitch block set to lower the tuning down to -4 to achieve Drop C tuning for even more powerful sounds.


Mesa Mark Series Fractal FM3 FM9

All presets are compatible with FM3/ FM9 with latest Firmware Upgrade
Download and install the latest firmware:


Mesa Mark Series Fractal FM3 FM9


Mesa Mark Series Fractal FM3 FM9

Presets List:

Mark IIc+ (based to the Mesa Boogie Mark IIc+)
1. Clean
2. Crunch
3. Lead
4. Brith sw ON Clean
5. Atmo Clean
6. Brith&Treble Shift ON Crunch
7. Atmo Lead
8. Pitch -1 A -2 B -3 C -4 D

Mark IV (based to the Mesa Boogie Mark IV)
9. GREEN channel
10. GREEN channel Pull Bright ON
11. RED 1 channel
12. RED 2 channel
13. RED 2 channel Pull Bright ON
14. - 4 Crunch
15. RED 2 channel Fat SW On
16. Atmo Lead

Mark V (based to the Mesa Boogie Mark V)
17. GREEN channel
18. GREEN channel Fat Sw ON
19. RED channel Mark IIc+ mode
20. RED channel Mark IIc+ Br ON
21. RED channel Mark IV mode
22. RED channel Mark IV mode Br ON
23. RED channel Extreme mode
24. RED channel Extreme mode Br ON

Mark SERIES SOUNDS (includes various Mark series amplifiers)
25. Big Clean
26. Stereo Crunch
27. Solo
28. Atmo Lead
29. Phase 90 clean
30. Puncy Rhythm
31. Extreme Crunch
32. Dry Solo

Fractal Audio Systems ® is a registered trademark of Fractal Audio Systems LLC. which owns all rights on it. The use of the registered mark here is only indicative of the type of instruments our product is intended for


FRT007 - Mesa Mark Series - Fractal FM3 / FM9 ( 32 scenes ) - Video Preview 1

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