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TPL032 - Evolving Pad - Korg 01/W ( 100 presets )
Evolving Pad - Korg 01/W ( 100 presets ) - Description
Korg 01W "100 Evolving Pad" sound bank 100 new patches ! Korg's Ai2 synthesis system spawned a whole line of brilliant pads and textures filled with depth and warmth from the synths in this series, but I consider the korg 01/W to be the foremost among them. 100 new sounds using Wave Shaping. 100 presets with type: Evolving Pad Soundtrack Ambient SFX Atmosphere Wave Shaping Downloads are available as sys ex (.syx) files in bank B. bank A loads the original sound.
The demo tune was recorded in real time and does not contain external effects.
Made by Alexander Kav.
Patches List:
A 0 Ephemerals B 0 Atlantic
A 1 A.Piano 2 B 1 Excerpt
A 2 Orchbrass B 2 Downgrade
A 3 Woodwind B 3 Tronic
A 4 RosewoodGt B 4 Horizon
A 5 VS Bells 1 B 5 South wind
A 6 XFade Bass B 6 Wave Pad1
A 7 TheStrings B 7 PPG Pad 1
A 8 Residrops B 8 D50 Pad
A 9 Total Kit B 9 MrProducer
A 10 GhostRyder B 10 Ambit SQ
A 11 DigiPiano1 B 11 Diagram Pad
A 12 OrchTrpts B 12 Signal Pad
A 13 Alto Sax B 13 Aerial
A 14 Alan's Run B 14 Wandering
A 15 Marimba B 15 Aquifer
A 16 B.Bass B 16 Lunar
A 17 ChamberEns B 17 Unbodied
A 18 Tidal Wave B 18 Ferum Vox
A 19 Jet Stream B 19 Movie stri
A 20 OxygenMask B 20 Ferum Pad
A 21 Perc.Org 1 B 21 Residrops
A 22 Brass Band B 22 Dream sp
A 23 Bottles B 23 Ephemerals
A 24 ZingString B 24 Orbital Pad
A 25 SolarBells B 25 Station Sp
A 26 RezzzzBass B 26 Mystica 1
A 27 Analog Pad B 27 Mystica 2
A 28 SynPiano B 28 Wave St
A 29 Dance Kit B 29 Visionary
A 30 Fresh Air B 30 Scope 1
A 31 DoubleStop B 31 Scope 2
A 32 FrHrn&Tuba B 32 Myst Wave
A 33 Sweet Oboe B 33 Elevated
A 34 Harmonics1 B 34 Structure
A 35 SteelDrums B 35 Atom
A 36 Pick Bass B 36 Movie text
A 37 Choir L+R B 37 Syn Pick
A 38 Raw Deal B 38 Synth MW
A 39 Mr. Gong B 39 Morf Bass
A 40 FreeFlight B 40 Imaginary
A 41 Hard Tines B 41 Astrolabe
A 42 Fat Synth B 42 Wind Fl
A 43 Harmonica B 43 Radix 1
A 44 Strategy B 44 Outbreak
A 45 Borealis B 45 Decompress
A 46 SlapBass 1 B 46 Motional
A 47 Bass&Cello B 47 Increase
A 48 AnalogPerc B 48 Symbol
A 49 FreezeDrum B 49 Scope 3
A 50 DesertDawn B 50 Mystery
A 51 PadPiano 1 B 51 Polysix Pad
A 52 Trombone 1 B 52 Aquifer Tr
A 53 Tenor Sax B 53 Space Ice
A 54 Blue Moon B 54 Interra
A 55 XpressBell B 55 Drifted SQ
A 56 TKO Bass B 56 Ambika tx
A 57 Harp B 57 Wind Rose
A 58 Soft Pad B 58 Spirits
A 59 Orch Hit B 59 MW Pad
A 60 Syn Choir B 60 MW Pad ds
A 61 Clav B 61 Saturn
A 62 Mute Ens. B 62 Highway
A 63 Tin Flute B 63 ClockRun
A 64 JStick Wah B 64 Eclipto
A 65 DigiBell B 65 Syn Voicez
A 66 OctaveBass B 66 Crystal
A 67 Voices B 67 Prophet
A 68 RezzzzzPad B 68 Phazed
A 69 VeloGated B 69 W Analog 1
A 70 Aliabase B 70 Phazed duo
A 71 Spit Organ B 71 Phazed 2
A 72 FanFare B 72 Phazed 3
A 73 Clarinet B 73 Cinematc
A 74 PedalSteel B 74 Floating
A 75 Log Drums B 75 Fantasy 1
A 76 Seq. Bass B 76 SlowOne
A 77 ArcoAttack B 77 Wav Vibe1
A 78 Expecting B 78 Wav Vibe2
A 79 Crickets B 79 Ambika 3
A 80 Shimmering B 80 Render
A 81 Whirly B 81 Spiritul
A 82 Muted Trpt B 82 Digi Bell
A 83 Flute B 83 Visit Sp
A 84 Clean Gtr B 84 Vox Voice
A 85 Bell Rise B 85 Nu Ages
A 86 Deep Bass B 86 Plutonic
A 87 Air Vox B 87 Textyre 1
A 88 NuclearSun B 88 Textyre 2
A 89 50's SciFi B 89 Water SQ 1
A 90 UnderWater B 90 Drones
A 91 Full Pipes B 91 SpecDrones
A 92 JSDogfight B 92 StringPad
A 93 PerkySaxes B 93 Atlantik2
A 94 Sitar B 94 Atlantik4
A 95 Metal Bell B 95 Atmo Pad 2
A 96 BowBowBass B 96 Tubular
A 97 SadStrings B 97 Interra 1..
A 98 MonoLead 1 B 98 Warp
A 99 Flutter B 99 Ufo